THE MERCURY NEWS: Change begins with good local government
The Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe proves that our fundamental rights continue to be under attack.
Most of us believe we should have the freedom to decide for ourselves whether and when we have children. That requires accessible abortion care – and a strong democracy.
The same groups and individuals secretively spending in support of the decades-long assault on Roe have poured millions into taking over local and state elected offices, putting up barriers to voting and drawing unfair district maps.
This fall we have an opportunity to build a stronger democracy right here in Oakland. Fair Elections Oakland will increase campaign ad transparency, strengthen contribution limits, limit lobbying and equip every Oaklander with the resources to support community-based candidates. When candidates and elected officials can focus on what our communities need, not what big-money donors and special interests want, that’s when we’ll see real progress on issues that matter most.
Liz Suk
Executive Director, Oakland Rising
As seen on The Mercury News at MercuryNews.Com
Published by East Bay Times Letters to the Editor for July 22, 2022